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During every mask event, the mask performance itself is the star. While a mask is worn, the person underneath the weighty garment is obsolete. Instead of an actor, masks embody the “totemic spirit of the clan.” (Roy “The Art of Burkina Faso” 16) Very simply put, each mask becomes an animal spirit of a family’s ancestors.


Animal representation is not only visually depicted. The animal spirits are also embodied through the dance motions of each mask. The mask’s movement reflects the gestures of its animal inspiration. (Roy “Spread of Mask Styles” 42) The above videos compare a dance between a cow and bird mask and the movements of each animal. Video 1 depict the bison’s heave gait. The interpretation of this lumbering is seen from 0:51 to 0:54 in Video 2 as the mask leans from side to side. Likewise the outstretched arms of the masked bird figure mimic the spread wings of the rooster in Video 3. Although the masks perform both subtle and exaggerated animal impressions, the performance clearly embodies more than a purely formal comparison.

Bodies: Dance

2. bird and cow masks performing.

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